Samathabadra Prayer

The King of Aspiration Prayers of Noble, Excellent Activity
(Translation updated on 14 August, 2009)
I bow down before the Noble Youth, Lord Manjushri
jinyé soudak chok chou’i jikten nadüsoum shékpa miyi sengé kündagi malü dédak tamché lalü tang ngayi dangwé chak gyi-o
In all of the worlds in all ten directions
reside the Tathagatas of past, present and future.
Before each and every one of these lions among men,
I bow down joyfully with body, speech, and mind.
zangpo chöpé mönlam tobdak gigyalwa tamché yikyi ngön soum douzhingi dülnyé lürab tü pa yigyalwa künla rabtou chak tsallo
By the power of wishes of Excellent Conduct,
each Buddha evoked becomes manifest.
With as many bodies as atoms in the universe,
I bow down deeply to the Victorious Ones.
dül chik teng na dül nyé sangyé namsangyé sékyi üna zhoukpa dakdétar chökyi ying nam malü partamché gyalwa dagi gang war mö
Atop one particle, as many Buddhas as particles
are settled amidst Bodhisattvas, their spiritual heirs.
Thus Dharmadhatu, the entire sphere of being,
abounds with the Buddhas that I have envisioned.
dédak ngakpa mizé gyatso namyangi yenlak gyatso’i dra kün gyigyalwa kün gyi yönten rab jö chingdéwar shékpa tamché dagi tö
Using every tone of a multitude of melodies
I revere them with boundless oceans of acclaim.
Singing the praises of Those Gone to Bliss,
I honor your qualities, O Victorious Ones.
métok dampa tréngwa dampa tangsilnyen nam tang joukpé douk chok tangmarmé chok tang doukpö dampa yigyalwa dédak lani chöpar gyi
Sumptuous flowers, beautiful garlands,
precious parasols, fine cymbals and balms,
radiant lamps and the most fragrant incense:
I offer them to you, O Victorious Ones.
naza dampa nam tang dri chok tangchémé pourma rirab nyampa tangköpa kyépar pakpé chok kün gyigyalwa dédak lani chö par gyi
Such wonderful arrays, all perfectly presented exquisite
apparel and sweet-smelling perfume,
jars of scented powder piled high like a mountain
I offer them to you, O Victorious Ones.
chöpa gangnam lamé gya chéwadédak gyalwal tamché la yang mözangpo chöla dépé tobdak gigyalwa künla chaktsal chöpar gyi
These vast and superlative offerings
express my confidence in all of the Buddhas.
With the strength of conviction in Excellent Conduct,
I bow and present them to the Victorious Ones.
döchak zhédang timouk wangi nilü tang ngak tang dézhin yikyi kyangdikpa dagi gyipa chichi padédak tamché dagi sosor shak
Whatever misdeeds I may have committed
through body and speech,as well as through mind,
all outcomes of passion and anger and ignorance:
I openly disclose each and every one.
chok chou’i gyalwa kün tang sangyé sérang gyal nam tang lob tang milob tangdrowa kün gyi sönam gang la yangdédak kün gyi jésou dayi rang
I rejoice in each occurrence of merit produced
by Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of all ten directions,
by Pratyekabuddhas, by those training on the path,
by Arhats beyond training, and by every single being.
gang nam chok chou’i jikten drönma dakjangchoub rimpar sangyé ma chak nyégönpo dédak dagi tamché lakhorlo lana mépar korwar kül
O lanterns who illumine worlds in all ten directions,
by way of the progressive stages of awakening
you have become Buddhas, free from attachment.
Protectors, I entreat you all: turn the Supreme Wheel.
nya ngen datön gangzhé dédak ladrowa künla pen zhing déwé chirkalpa zhingi dül nyé zhouk par yangdagi talmo rab jar sölwar gyi
Palms joined, I beseech those among you who mean
to manifest the state beyond suffering:
for as many eons as there are atoms in the universe,
remain for the welfare and happiness of all beings.
chak tsalwa tang chö ching shakpa tangjésou yirang kül zhing sölwa yigéwa choung zé dagi chi sakpatamché dagi jangchoub chir ngo-o
Whatever small merit has been garnered here
through prostrating, offering and disclosing,
rejoicing, entreating and beseeching,
I dedicate it all for the sake of enlightenment.
dépé sangyé nam tang chok chou yijikten dak na gang zhouk chöpar gyourgangyang majön dédak rab nyourwarsam dzok jangchoub rimpar sangyé jön
May the Buddhas of the past and those dwelling presently
in the worlds of the ten directions be honored by offerings.
May those yet to come swiftly fulfill their aspiration and attain Buddhahood through the stages of awakening.
chok chou galé zhing nam ji nyé padédak gyachér yongsou dakpar gyourjangchoub shing wang droung shék gyalwa tangsangyé sékyi rabtou gangwar sho
Wherever there are world systems in the ten directions
may they, in their great number, become perfectly pure.
May these universes abound in Victorious Ones who have come before the Tree of Enlightenment, accompanied by Bodhisattvas, their spiritual heirs.
chok chou’i semchen gang nam ji nyépadédak taktou némé déwar gyourdrowa küngyi chökyi dön nam nitünpar gyour ching réwa’ang droub par sho
May each and every one of the manifold beings
of the ten directions always be happy and healthy.
May all beings find true purpose in the Dharma,
and in harmony with this, may their hopes be fulfilled.
jangchoub chöpa dakni da chö chingdrowa küntou kyéwa drenpar gyourtsérab küntou chipo kyéwa nataktou dani rabtou joungwar sho
May I carry out the many forms of Enlightened Conduct,
and remember past lives when experiencing each new one.
During each successive death, transmigration, and rebirth,
may I always embrace religious life, and renounce.
gyalwa kün gyi jésou lob gyour tézangpo chöpa yongsou dzok jé chingtsültrim chöpa drimé yong dakpartaktou ma nyam kyönmé chöpar sho
Following the example of the Victorious Ones,
may I fully accomplish Excellent Conduct,
and may my moral behavior be flawless and pure.
May I conduct myself faultlessly in all situations.
lhayi ké tang lou tang nöjin kédroulboum dak tang miyi ké nam tangdrowa kün gyi dra ké ji tsampartamché kédou dagi chö ten to
May I communicate the Buddhadharmain every language known to sentient beings, the tongues of gods, nagas, djinns, trolls,
and all languages spoken by humankind.
déshing paröl jin la rab tsön téjangchoub semni namyang jé ma gyourdikpa gang nam dribpar gyourwa dakdédak malü yongsou jangwar sho
Gentle and wise, may I apply myselfto the transcendent qualities of the paramitas, while never losing sight of awakening mind.
As for all harmful acts that have resulted in veils,
may they be entirely purified, without exception.
lé tang nyönmong dükyi lé nam lédröl zhing jikten drowa namsou yangjitar pémo chü mi chakpa zhinnyida namkhar tokpa mé tar ché
May I be liberated from negative karma,
disturbing emotions, and the actions of maras.
Wherever there are world systems and beings,
may I be like the lotus, not clung to by water,
and the sun and the moon, unhindered in the sky.
zhingi khyön tang chok nam ji tsam parngen song douk ngal rabtou zhiwar jédéwa dakla drowa kün gö chingdrowa tamché lani penpar ché
Throughout each of the realms and in every direction,
may I pacify all suffering of the unfortunate realms.
May I establish all beings in happiness,
and may I be of assistance to every one.
jangchoub chöpa yongsou dzok jé chingsemchen dakgi chötang tünpar joukzangpo chöpa dakni rab tön chingma’ong kalpa küntou chöpar gyour
May I perfect the practice of Enlightened Conduct
in accord with the various lifestyles of beings.
May I fully exemplify Excellent Conduct,
and continue to do so during all future eons.
dagi chö tang tsoungpar gang chöpadédak tangni taktou drokpar sholütang ngak nam tang ni semkyi kyangchöpa dak tang mönlam chik tu ché
May I always be accompanied by those friends
whose practice and conduct resemble my own.
With regard to our body, speech, and mind,
may all of our actions and prayers be as one.
dala penpar döpé drokpo dakzangpo’i chöpa rabtou tönpa namdédak tang yang taktou trépar shodédak dagi namyang yi mi young
May I always encounter companions
who exemplify Excellent Conduct
and have my well-being at heart.
May I never let these teachers down.
sangyé sékyi korwé gönpo namngönsoum taktou dagi gyalwa tama’ong kalpa küntou mi kyowardédak la yang chöpa gyachér gyi
May I always directly perceive the Victorious Ones:
the Protectors and their entourage of Bodhisattvas.
Throughout all future eons, may I never grow weary of honoring them with remarkably vast offerings.
gyalwa namkyi dampé chö dzin chingjangchoub chöpa küntou nangwar jézangpo chöpa nampar jangwa yangma’ong kalpa küntou chépar gyi
May I uphold the genuine Dharma of the Buddhas,
and make Enlightened Conduct fully manifest.
May I be perfectly trained in Excellent Conduct,
wholeheartedly continuing for eons to come.
sipa tamché douyang khorwa nasönam yéshé dakni mizé nyétab tang shérab ting dzin namtar tangyönten küngyi mizé dzö dougyour
Through all my existences, be they within samsara,
may I acquire inexhaustible merit and wisdom.
May these become a never-ending treasure of qualities:
methods, superior knowledge, samadhi and liberation.
dül chik teng na dül nyé zhing nam tézhing dér samgyi mi khyab sangyé namsangyé sékyi üna zhouk pa lajangchoub chöpa chö ching tawar gyi
Atop one particle, there are as many realms as atoms;
in each pure realm, more Buddhas than can be imagined
reside amidst Bodhisattvas, their spiritual heirs.
May I see them and emulate their enlightened activity.
détar malü tamché chok sou yangtra tsam khyön la düsoum tsé nyé kyisangyé gyatso zhing nam gyatso tangkalpa gyatsor chöching rabtou jouk
Likewise, in absolutely every direction,
within the space on the tip of one hair,
there are oceans1 of Buddhas of past, present, and future,
oceans of pure realms and oceans of eons.
May I fully take part in this enlightened activity.
soung chik yenlak gyatso’i draké kyigyalwa kün yang yenlak namdak padrowa kün gyi sampa ji zhin yangsangyé soung la taktou jouk par gyi
The sound of one instance of the Buddha’s speech,
with its ocean of qualities, holds the pure rangeof harmonious expressions of all Victorious Ones;
it is the very melody of each being’s understanding.
May I always engage in the speech of the Buddhas.
düsoum shékpé gyalwa tamché dakkhorlo’i tsülnam rabtou korwa yidédak gi yang soung yang mizé lalo yi tob kyi dakyang rabtou jouk
All Victorious Ones of past, present, and future
fully turn the Wheel of Dharma in a variety of ways.
Through the power of mind, may I also participate in the boundless expression of their melodious speech.
1 The term “oceans” traditionally refers to unimaginably great quantities.
ma’ong kalpa tamché joukpar yangkéchik chiki dakyang jouk par gyigang yang kalpa düsoum tsé dédakkéchik chashé kyi ni zhouk par ché
In a single instant, may I engage in
all future eons which will be experienced.
In just a split second, may I take part in
any and all of the eons of the three times.
düsoum shékpa miyi séngé gangdédak kéchik chik la dagi tataktou dédak gi ni chöyoul lagyoumar gyourpé namtar tobkyi jouk
In the space of a single moment, may I behold
all lions among men of past, present, and future.
May I continually engage in their field of experience
through the power of illusion-like spiritual liberation.
gangyang düsoum dakgi zhing köpadédak dülchik téngdou ngönpar droupdétar malü choknam tamché dou
gyalwa namkyi zhingi köla jouk
The clusters of galaxies of past, present, and future
have all been established atop a single particle.
Accordingly, in all directions, without exception,
may I take part in the pure realms of the Victors.
gangyang ma jön jikten drönma namdédak rimpar tsang gya khorlo kornya ngen dépa rabtou zhita töngönpo küngyi droungdou dachi-o
The Lanterns of the World who have yet to come
will all, by stages, become fully enlightened,
turn the Wheel of the Dharma, and demonstrate
the state beyond suffering, ultimate peace.
May I be in the presence of all those Protectors.
künné nyourwé dzoutrül tob nam tangkünné goyi tékpé tob dak tangküntou yönten chöpé tob nam tangküntou khyabpa jampa dak gi tobküntou géwé sönam tob nam tangchakpa mépar gyourwé yéshé tobshérab tab tang ting dzin tob dak gijangchoub tob nam yangdak droubpar jé
By virtue of the powers of miraculous swiftness,
the powers of the manifold approaches of the yanas,
the powers of practice endowed with all qualities,
the powers of omnipresent lovingkindness,
the powers of perfectly virtuous goodness,
the powers of unbounded timeless wisdom,
the powers of knowledge, means, and deep meditation,
may I truly achieve the many powers of awakening.
lékyi tobnam yongsou dak jé chingnyönmong tob nam küntou jompar jédükyi tob nam tob mé rab jé chingzangpo chöpé tobni dzokpar gyi
May I completely purify the powers of karma,
fully defeat the powers of the afflictions,
utterly disable the powers of the maras,
and bring the power of Excellent Conduct to perfection.
zhingnam gyatso nampar dak jé chingsemchen gyatso dakni nampar drölchönam gyatso rabtou tong jé chingyéshé gyatso rabtou gompar jéchöpa gyatso nampar dak jé chingmönlam gyatso rabtou dzokpar jésangyé gyatso rabtou chö jé chingkalpa gyatsor mikyo chépar gyi
May I totally purify oceans of realms
entirely liberate oceans of beings,
clearly behold oceans of Dharma,
wholly integrate oceans of wisdom,
patently clarify oceans of conduct,
perfectly fulfill oceans of aspirations,
honor oceans of Buddhas with my offerings,
and practice tirelessly during oceans of eons.
gangyang düsoum shékpé gyalwa yijangchoub chöpé mönlam jédrak namzangpo chöpé jangchoub sangyé nédé kün dagi malü dzok par gyi
Once I have awakened and attained Buddhahood
by means of the practice of Excellent Conduct,
may I fulfill all special wishes of Enlightened Conduct
expressed by Victorious Ones of past, present and future.
gyalwa küngyi sékyi toubo pagangi ming ni küntou zang zhé jakhépa dé tang tsoungpar chépé chirgéwa didak tamché rabtou ngo
The eldest son of the Victorious Ones
is known as Samantabhadra, the All-Excellent.
In order to equal his masterful skill,
I perfectly dedicate all forms of merit.
lü tang ngak tang yi kyang namdak chingchöpa namdak zhingnam yongdak tangngowa’ang zangpo khépa chi drawadédrar dakyang détang tsoung par sho
May I be comparable to Samantabhadra:
his utterly pure body, speech, and mind,
his totally pure conduct, perfectly pure realms,
and superior skill in dedicating merit.
künné géwa zangpo chöpé chirjampel gyini mönlam chépar gyima’ong kalpa küntou mi kyowardéyi jawa malü dzokpar gyi
So as to completely achieve excellent goodness,
I will carry out Manjushri’s aspiration prayers.
Continuing tirelessly throughout future eons,
I will accomplish every last one of his activities.
chöpa dakni tséyö magyour chikyönten nam kyang tsézoung mépar shochöpa tsémé pa la né né kyangdédak trülpa tamché tsalwar gyi
May my actions be free of limitations,
and my qualities also be without bounds.
May I remain engaged in activities beyond measure,
and may I come to know all of their manifestations.
namkhé tartouk gyourpa ji tsamparsemchen malü tayang dé zhin téji tsam lé tang nyönmong tar gyour padagi mönlam tayang dé tsammo
There are countless beings,
as limitlessas the very confines of the endless sky.
Whatever their karma and afflictions may be,
may my wishing prayers encompass them all.
gangyang chokchou’i zhingnam tayé parinchen gyen té gyalwa nam la püllha tang miyi déwé chok nam kyangzhingi dül nyé kalpar pülwa wégangi ngowé gyalpo di tö néjangchoub chokgi jésou rab mö shinglen chik tsam yang dépa kyépa nisönam dampé choktou di gyour ro
We may embellish the infinite realms of the ten directions
with precious gems and present them to the Victorious Ones;
we may offer the finest pleasures of gods and humans
during as many eons as there are atoms in the universe.
Even so, paramount indeed is the exceptional merit
of those of us who have heard this King of Dedications,
are truly determined to pursue supreme enlightenment,
and give rise to genuine faith, be it just for a moment.
gangi zangchö mönlam di tab pédéni ngen song tamché pangpar gyourdéni drokpo ngenpa pangpa yinnangwa tayé déyang dé nyour tong
Those who practice this Prayer of Excellent Conduct
will turn away from rebirth in the lower realms,
sever all ties to unwholesome companions,
and promptly behold Amitabha, Infinite Light.
dédak nyépa rab nyé déwar tsomitsé diryang dédak lékpar ongküntou zangpo déyang chi drawardédak ringpor mitok dézhin gyour
They will be perfectly comfortable and lead happy lives;
in this lifetime as well, comfort and happiness will reign.
Without delay, they will become similar in every way to Samantabhadra, the All-Excellent One.
tsammé ngapo dagi dikpa namgangi mishé wangi jépa dakdéyi zangpo chöpa di jö nanyourdou malü yongsou jangwar gyour
If this prayer of Excellent Conduct is recited
by those who have committed, by reason of ignorance,
the five most negative acts of direct consequence,
these all will be quickly and thoroughly purified.
yéshé tang ni zouk tang tsen nam tangrik tang khadok nam tang denpar gyourdü tang mouték mangpö dé mi toubjikten soumpo kün na’ang chöpar gyour
Practitioners will have wisdom, the shapeliest physique,
excellent signs, a noble family, and a fine complexion.
The many maras and heretics will be powerless against them,
and they will be honored throughout the three worlds.
jangchoub shingwang droungdou dé nyour drosong né semchen penchir dér douk téjangchoub sangyé khorlo rabtou kordünam dé tang chépa tamché tül
They will go quickly before the great Bodhi tree,
and settle there for the benefit of sentient beings.
As awakened Buddhas they will turn the wheel of Dharma,
prevailing against all of the maras and their legions.
gangyang zangpo chöpé mönlam dichangwa tang ni töntam lokpa yidéyi nampar minpa sangyé khyenjangchoub chokla som nyi ma jé chik
The Buddhas alone fathom the full karmic fruition
for those who take this Prayer of Excellent Activity to heart by expounding it, or reading and reciting it.
Have no doubt: the outcome is supreme awakening!
jampel jitar khyen ching pawa tangküntou zangpo déyang dézhin tédédak küngyi jésou dalob chinggéwa didak tamché rab tou ngo
May I train by emulating the examples of Manjushri,
with his momentous knowledge and great courage,
and Samantabhadra, whose qualities are identical;
like them, I perfectly dedicate all forms of merit.
düsoum shékpé gyalwa tamché kyingowa gang la chok tou ngakpa dédagi géwé tsawa di kün kyangzangpo chö chir rabtou ngowar gyi
For the sake of the practice of Excellent Conduct,
I completely dedicate all of my roots of goodness
by means of those dedications praised as supreme
by the Victorious Ones of past, present, and future.
dani chiwé düjé gyourpa nadribpa tamché dakni chir sal téngön soum nangwa tayé dé tong nédéwachen gyi zhing dér rabtou dro
When the time has come for me to die,
and all of my veils, finally purified, disappear,
may I directly behold Amitabha, Infinite Light,
and proceed with certainty to the Realm of Joy.
dér song né ni mönlam didak kyangtamché malü ngöndou gyourwar shodédak malü dagi yongsou kangjikten jisi semchen penpar gyi
Once there, may these and all other prayers,
without a single exception, become manifest.
May I perfectly fulfill each and every one,
helping beings for as long as the universe exists.
gyalwé kyilkhor zang zhing gawa dérpémo dampa zhintou dzé lé kyénangwa tayé gyalwé ngön soum douloung tenpa yang dagi dér tob sho
May I be reborn in a supremely beautiful lotus
in the excellent, joyous mandala of the Buddhas.
There, may I obtain my prophetic revelation
directly from Amitabha, the Victorious One.
dérni dagi loungten rab tob nétrülpa mangpo jéwa trak gya yiloyi tob kyi chok chou nam sou yangsemchen namla penpa mangpo gyi
Once the prophecy has been fully achieved,
may I serve the beings of the ten directions
in a number of ways through the power of mind
of many hundreds times millions of emanations.
zangpo chöpé mönlam tabpa yigéwa choungzé dagi chi sak padéni drowé mönlam géwa namkéchik chikgi tamché jorwar sho
By whatever small merit I may have garnered
by practicing this Prayer of Excellent Activity,
may the meritorious aspirations of sentient beings
all be accomplished in the space of one instant.
zangpo chöpa yongsou ngöpa lésönam tayé dampa gang tob dédrowa douk ngal choubor jingwa namöpa mépé nérab tob par cho
By virtue of the boundless, genuine merit
gained by fully dedicating Excellent Conduct,
may all beings engulfed in the great river of suffering
attain Buddha Amitabha’s most excellent domain.
mönlam gyalpo didak chokgi tsotayé drowa künla pen jé chingküntou zangpo gyenpé zhoung droub téngen song nénam malü tongpar sho
May these sovereign aspiration prayers
bring about that which is most excellent and sublime,
and may they benefit all beings, infinite in number.
May this scripture adorned by Samantabhadra be accomplished,
and may the entire space of the unfortunate realms become empty.
This concludes the Noble King of Aspiration Prayers of Excellent Conduct.
This text was finalized by the Indian scholars Dzinamitra and Surendrabodhi and the great editor Lotsawa Bendé Yéshé Dé, among others,
who translated and checked it.
Translator’s notes: Concerning the very last verse, it seems it
was added by the original translators and is not found in the Sanskrit original. There are two accepted versions. In many texts -Drakpa Gyaltsen’s commentary, for example –the third line reads as above.
The one below is found in Taranatha’s commentary on the practice and in some other texts:
küntou zangpo gyenpé zhing
droub té
in which case the last lines could translate as:
May the pure realms adorned by Samantabhadra be
and may the entire space of the unfortunate realms become
Also, concerning the 18th verse, where our wish is todevelop boundless communication skills, when Kunzig Shamar Rinpoché describes the classes of beings called yaksha and kimbhanda in Sanskrit, they closely resemble the human-like beings in world mythology called djinns, orgenies, and trolls. Nagas are underground or water being soften are depicted as having a half-human, half-snake form.
Translated under the guidance of Kunzig Shamar Rinpoché by
Pamela Gayle White.
Transliteration by PGW.
My sincere apologies for all mistakes. Through the luminous
blessing of the masters, may the light of wisdom outshine the
translator’s murky confusion in all future endeavors.