Dharma teacher Valentin Gyurme in Belgrade from November 9 to 11, 2024.

The theme of the meditation retreat led by Drupla Valentin is mental calmness
(Shine). Study sessions and meditation sessions will alternate. Valentin will explain “9 ways
of setting the mind”, a detailed method for developing mental calmness (Shine) which is
explained in the text “Distinguishing the middle from the extremes” by Maitreya, which Shamar
Rimpoche explained in his work “In the Heart of Wisdom”.

The lessons given will present the structure, phases and methods for implementing the practice. Guided
exercises and exchanges about what happens in meditation will serve to integrate the methods.
“Practicing mental stillness aims to train the mind to let go of its bad
habits of being constantly occupied and the resulting confusion. This is similar
taming the wild horse. This is similar
taming the wild horse. With this training, your mind will be freed from its preoccupation.
The regular practice of shina meditation therefore trains your mind to become stable.
The stability of your meditation track will depend on your diligence. If you maintain a regular
the practice of Shine, a state of mental calmness will become your nature. This condition is not
something new that is added to the mind. Thanks to an advanced form of splint practice,
you will create an “unfettered” peace of mind, an open mind that serves as a basis for achievement
realization of emptiness. » (Shamar Rimpoche)
This retreat is as suitable for motivated beginners as it is for the experienced
Valentino’s recommendation is to be present all three days in a row. If
you are unable to attend the entire course, you can only attend the first day
(Saturday) or only the first two days (Saturday and Sunday).
The course will be in English (translation will be provided if needed).
Valentin can also give instructions in Russian (in parallel with English).


Saturday and Sunday, November 9 and 10, meeting is at 9:00 am
Location: Budmanijeva 17

9.30 – 10.30 – lecture Mental calmness (Shine)
10.30 – 11.30 – meditation
11.30 – 12.00 – break
12.00 – 13.00 – meditation
13.00 – 14.30 – lunch break
14:30 – 15:30 – lecture Mental calmness (Shine)
15:30 – 16:30 – meditation
16.30 – 17.00 – break
17.00-18.00 – meditation.

Monday, November 11, the gathering is at 9:00 (Monday is a public holiday).
it’s a holiday and a non-working day)
Location: Budmanijeva 17

9.30 – 10.30 – lecture Mental calmness (Shine)
10.30 – 11.30 – meditation
11.30 – 12.00 – break
12.00 – 13.00 – meditation
13.00 – 14.30 – lunch break
14:30 – 15:00 – lecture Mental calmness (Shine)
15.00 – 15.30 – meditation
15:30 – 16:00 – break
16.00 – 17.00 – meditation

Costs and payment

The price of the entire course is 5,000 dinars in total. If you are able to
if you only attend for one or two days, the daily price is 2,200 dinars. For students and
lectures are free for students.
Important: All those who are unable to pay the amount in full should contact us because it is
possible payment in installments. Payment is required to cover costs
travel and accommodation of teachers Lack of money is not a reason for
not attending lectures. Get in touch to make an agreement.

Donation – “DANA” in Tibetan
The value of Buddhist teachings is immeasurable.
Our teachers put in selfless effort and effort to impart these precious teachings to us
and helped us on the path of spiritual awakening. In accordance with our capabilities
we thank them with a donation, an expression of our generosity, the first of six
the paramitas that are the foundation of an enlightened mind.

You can also extend this invitation to those who are new to Buddhism or who are not members
our center. But they must register in advance.
Due to limited places, be sure to announce your arrival. The center has a zafa
meditation cushions, you don’t have to bring your own, but if you need a chair –
please inform us in time as the number is limited.
Apply as soon as possible. Application, as well as a request for additional information regarding logistics
you can send to the address: bodhipathbgd@gmail.com or call 063 250 644
Ivana or 064 823 62 14 Mila.
You can send questions about the program directly to Drupla Valentin +33 6 60 34 72 89

The Buddha’s teachings are preserved in an unbroken line of transmission, of which he is a part
Karma Kadyu – one of the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism.
Bodhi Path Centers were founded and are managed by Shamar Rinpoche, who is
together with the Gyalva Karmapa the bearer of the Karma Kadju lineage. Under spiritual
under the guidance of Karmapa and Shamarpa, Bodhi Path teachers provide meditation and
philosophical instructions to all who are interested in studying i
practicing Buddhism.

Study and practice curriculum
The Bodhi Path provides a curriculum of teachings and meditative practices composed by Shama
Rinpoche, which is rooted in authentic Buddhist teachings, and adapted
needs and living conditions of modern practitioners.
This curriculum is taught at all Bodhi Path centers and can be accessed at
based on the instructions of a qualified teacher.

Shamar Rinpoche
Shamar Rinpoche is the XIV Shamarpa, or Red Capped Lama. Shamarpi line
It was created in the 13th century and represents the second line of incarnations in the history of Tibetan
Buddhism. Shamar Rinpoche was born in 1952 and spent many years
studying Buddhism in India. In 1980, he began to travel and teach in
different Buddhist centers throughout Asia and in the West, and in 1982 he spent
ten months at Berkeley University, where he studied English. In 1996, he started
to establish Bodhi Path Buddhist centers, that is, a network of centers based on a non-sectarian approach to Buddhism. The Bodhi Path Centers curriculum is based on
teachings that come from the Indian Buddhist master Atisha from the 11th century, how them
reported Gampop. Atisha’s methods are the most effective for training the mind and
deepening wisdom, and on top of that they can be transferred and applied externally
monastic frames.

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