
Once a week we meditate “Shine” (Calm Abiding meditation), and occasionaly we organize Mediation Day, when we meditate Chenrezig sadhana, Buddha Shakyamuni sadhana, Samanthabadra Prayer and simmiliar Buddhist Practices.
Regular weekly Meditation is organized every Wednesday from 18:30, and we gather 15-30 minutes earlier. Please find Address in the Contact.
Participation is free for all interested in Buddhism and Buddhist Practice, regardless of the religious affiliation and spiritual orientation.
On average, three times a year we organize Courses where Bodhi Path Lamas and Dharma Teachers practicaly explain various topics within Mind Training Practice and other topics in accordance with Bodhi Path Curriculum. Please check some of already held Courses and announcement of the new Courses on the link
Study groups
The activity of the Center is also work in the Study groups that analyse specific topics. At the moment, there are two of them working on Four Noble Truths and so-called Five Skandhas.
Course Announcements on the Facebook Page
Please follow Events announcements on Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/BodhiPathBelgrade/